Welcome to the Robert Kroetsch Website. This website is designed to feature Robert Kroetsch’s writing and to facilitate the reading and study of his work. It includes a variety of material and information, including his publications, selected bibliographies about his work, photographs, and related links.
As the website is being further developed, we welcome receipt of material by or about Robert Kroetsch, his influence on Canadian writing and influences on him, events pertaining to his work, etc. We cannot, however, guarantee that all such material will be posted. If you’d like to contribute information to the bibliographies included or send us a link to critical or other material pertaining to his work, please contact transcan@uoguelph.ca.
This website has been made possible with the financial, technical, and other support of TransCanada Institute (www.transcanadas.ca) via the Canada Research Chair Tier 1 program in Critical Studies in Canadian Literature.
Every effort has been made to discover and contact copyright holders of content used in this website other than material belonging to the Robert Kroetsch Literary Estate. For any outstanding issues, e.g. links to other websites, and details about permissions received please contact transcan@uoguelph.ca. No photographs or other material included here that belonging to the Robert Kroetsch Estate may be reproduced without permission.