The Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry The prize is awarded annually to the best poetry manuscript by an emerging Canadian writer (a writer who has published two books or less). Each year the winning manuscript will be selected by an established poet in co-operation with Snare Books. The winner receives a trade paperback contract with Snare Books which will include the publication of the manuscript and a $500 honorarium.
The next deadline is January 31, 2012.
Each entry must be accompanied with a business size SASE and an entry fee for $30.00 Canadian. Please make all cheques and money orders payable to “Livres Snare.” No cash please.
Send manuscipts to:
The Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry
Snare Books
c/o Matrix
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. LB 658
Montreal QC
H3G 1M8
2007–> Winner: Natalie Zina Walshots: Judge: Darren Wershler
2008–> Winner: Geoffery Hlibchuk; Judge: Elizabeth Bachinsky
2009–> Winner: Sarah Dowling; Judge: Rachel Zolf
2010–> Winner: Jake Kennedy; Judge: Sina Queryas
2011–> Winner: Pearl Pirie; Judge: Neil Besner